Sunday, April 26, 2009

Craft Revival Recap

The Craft Revival went off without a hitch. It was great! Although it was definitely not as bumping as the Detroit Urban Craft Fair, we had a good amount of visitors and I was really pleased with the amount of business we received.

Here's my table! My friend Emily and baby Etta sat and kept me company for a bit.

I had decided to offer the same items as we did at the DUCF due to lack of time and also to make sure that I had saturated the Detroit market with beavers! We had only a couple of new items--little rose barrettes and needle books (just like the one Becca got for her birthday). Both sold really well and were pretty popular. They may have to join the Proper Peach line-up.

A side view. Rows and rows of beavers and skunks! Photo by Always the Forest.

I always get excited to meet the other vendors and luckily, I had the extra time to chat it up with some of Michigan's finest. My neighbor was Wei from Wei's Open Secret...her stuff was amazing and she was sooo friendly! She offers jewelry and other cute things--check out her
tip cards! Too funny!

I also finally got a chance to meet
Marcy from All Things Grow. I follow her blog and have longed for some of her prints passionately, so it was nice to finally meet her in person! I never get the chance to snap up all of the beautiful things I want so badly so I am promising myself that I will order from her Etsy shop soon.

Finally, I also was surprised to meet
Yvonne from Wool and Water. Just as lovely as she is in internet-world. I love putting faces with screen makes things feel much more personal and friendly. We chatted for a bit and I was so glad I had the opportunity to meet her for reals.

I realized that one of the best parts of these shows is
connecting with other crafters from the area. It really inspires me to talk to these people that create the most wonderful get a chance to check out their offerings and see their cool displays. The feeling of camaraderie is awesome! Things get lonely in front of a computer screen.

Friends and family came out to support The Proper Peach....I always love to show off what I do to my loved ones and given them a chance to see what these shows are all about.

Overall....we had a fantastic time. Thanks to the peeps at Handmade Detroit for giving me yet another opportunity to join them!

Now, I'm decompressing and focusing on hanging on the couch with Joan for a couple nights. What better way to celebrate?

Thank you so much to all the people who had such nice things to say about my work, and especially to those who purchase from me!
The Proper Peach likes you, you know.

1 comment:


It was great to finally meet you too! Hope to see you again soon!
Come out and see me at the Birmingham Fine Arts Festival!