Tuesday, July 8, 2008

There is a ticking time bomb in all of us....

Unfortunately, my dad's went off this morning.
Poor Dad. His little appendix had to be removed...mostly because it was threatening to burst and poison his insides.
So my morning was spent running around trying to make a plan to get to the hospital. I do have to keep up appearances of being a responsible and loving daughter, after all.
Stubborn daughter, harried husband, healing father....the bottom line is that I didn't even so much as glance longingly at my craft box today. Then off to work. Ugh.
I can't even put into words my burning desire to stay at home all day and cuddle with my kid and spend hours and hours just cutting fabric. I swear to God, a good pair of scissors will make anything better. Anything. Just the sound they make...it verges on orgasmic.
But I digress.
This week doesn't look promising as far as skunks go.

I have decided to apply to participate in the Detroit Urban Craft Fair. I seriously sat awake in bed last night for a good hour just daydreaming about actually sitting at a little table surrounded by a sea of handmade goodness. Wow.
I have to send in photos and an application by August 15th....and I believe the vendors are announced early September.
So keep your pretty little fingers crossed.

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