Monday, July 14, 2008

Odds and ends.

Posted some new items on Etsy today....finally. My need to make things in an assembly line fashion means that I can only post new items all at once. So, although my skunks should finally make an appearance sometime late this week, I've been itching to do little projects in-between. Something that can be completed in one Teletubbies episode. My daughter commands all of my attention, so I can squeak one of these babies out before she notices and wants to grab handfuls of thread and needles.

I plan on doing more brooches...they are so fun and instantly gratifying.

Here are some photos:


I have developed a need to constantly be holding, making, stitching, cutting something at all times. I can't just sit anymore...which I suppose is a good thing. I imagine productivity can only go up from here. I find myself daydreaming and planning at work, which is both fun and frustrating at the same time. Fun because it gives my mind a break away from lattes, but frustrating in the sense that I am unable to act on these daydreams right away...because I'm making lattes.

Ugh. Lattes.

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