Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sorry I haven't called....

My fingers are raw from stitching and cutting and stuffing. I'm dead serious.
The Detroit Urban Craft Fair is only weeks away and my mom (see glorious photo below) and I have been working our asses off trying to met our deadlines we've set.

So far, so good.

Every spare moment has been devoted to beavers or skunks or something crafty, so please understand and forgive my lack of communication as of late. On November 16th I swear up and down I will tell great stories of something other than this fair, but until then I am hunched over the dining room table racing the clock.

Please....allow me to tell you this crafting tale through pictures!

Brooches upon brooches upon brooches. Five flower shapes hand stitched onto a coordinating color, then cut out, then sewn together, beaded and then leaves (layered and sewn separately) and added. Sew pin onto backing and sew on flower and VIOLA! Flower brooch.
Labor intensive, for sure.

Some almost finished products here.

Seriously. I can't even adequately explain how much time these suckers take to finish. But looking at all the colors spread out on my dining room table made me so happy and dizzy at the same time. Mom hand stitched some ridiculous number of leaves (107?) and then flowers to boot.

Beaver carcasses. Beaver tails. Beavers.

Photographic evidence that Clint did indeed help.

Maybe not the most compelling pictorial journey....but c'mon! I've got things to do people! Not take pictures!
I will post so much more soon.

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